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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Catching up

Kinda felt sorry that I ignored this blog for a very very long time. I wasn't just that interested in sharing my life anymore. But now I'm feeling like myself again and also feel like I have to say some stuffs out in the open. 

I've finally finished school. Done with my studies for this degree but the stupid school decided to torture us more by making us wait for one freaking year before we graduate. Everyone is find difficulty in finding jobs without a physical degree. I've cleared all my modules but I wasn't able to work in Singapore because I don't have my degree yet. It's just ridiculous, isn't it? I applied internship in all A Star institutes but I still have to wait for their offer. My plan is to do my internship and while I'm doing that, I'll be doing my MCAT and trying to go to med school. Being a med school student won't be easy. There's be a lot of challenges especially for a lazy student like me. I didn't do that well for my degree. I got mostly Bs -__- I know I know I haven't learned my lesson yet. I have to have more discipline and be more motivated. 

I'm spending most of my days here in Yangon by catching up with high school buddies and helping my dad with his business. I feel like I'm becoming more mature than my high school buddies. They don't have to worry about who's doing their laundry, who's ironing their clothes, who's cooking dinner or who's buying the toothpaste and coffee tml. All they have to worry about is their grades and what are they gonna wear to school tomorrow. In a way, I feel like I'm more mature than them. I also feel sad at the same time. When most of the girls my age are worrying about how to apply bronzer, I'm thinking what should I buy for breakfast and dinner next week. There's that. 

Oh and there was a little drama queen who caused a little bit of drama. She was just plain pathetic. How haft must her life be when she's in Facebook reading every single status updates of her 1000+ friends and thinking every single status is about her her and her? While she's finding trouble in a completely ridiculous way, other people are worrying about bigger things in life and she doesn't even realize she's a loser. Lol. I can't even imagine. That's one hell of a way of self-destruction. 

I can't even begin to tell anyone about my relationship right now. It's either right or wrong. There'll be no grey area. And I'm just confused. 

I think I'm feeling a little lost. I was so sure that I was gonna go to med school and that'll be my happy ending. But no, financial concerns, my not-so-good-grades, and my no-research experience are making me think twice about med school. I'm gonna be doing MCAT nonetheless. I don't wanna give up before I know I have 0% chance of being a surgeon. With no job and not working out, I don't even know who I am anymore. I just feel like I'm not capable of anything. Hopefully I can go back to gym soon and my mild depression will come to an end. 


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