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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Dealing with breakups

It's been 2 months and 4 days since my break up with my very first serious bf. I gotta say I'm pretty happy now. May be not 100% but still, I just gotta make the best out of what I have right? and of course, it's not easy. I had to go through a lot of steps to achieve the happiness I have right now. I guess everything happens for a reason.
Before I go through what I did to get through the break up, I'd like to say a few things that I did wrong

I was furious when I found out my ex already found a girl 4 or 5 days after we broke up.

 I was so angry until I started making death threats. LOL. Now I look back at it and think, why the fuck am I so childish and immature?! So what if he pretended like he didn't see me when he was out with his new gf? I mean he has all the right to do so since we're not together anymore. If I'm with a hot guy and see him, I'll also pretend like I don't. I put myself into his shoes and realized how selfish I am. Although it was wrong to act disgustingly lovey dovey with ur new gf in front of ur ex, I guess that one's my fault. Why? when our mutual friends see it, they won't see how he acted, they'll only see how I blew up like a bomb claiming to burn down his house :D It made me look really childish in front of my friends.

while I'm on the topic, I'd like to share one thing. If your friend is going through a break up, never ever ever say things like "u don't deserve someone like him/her." "get over that bitch/bastard already!" or butt in their problems at all! One of his friends did it and it was completely annoying. To him, he's just speaking up for his friend. To me, it's like "wtf do u know about our relationship?! stop butting in!" And if my friends say something, I think it'll be the same for my ex. One more person to hate on/bitch on is the last thing  u want during a break up right?

I blew up even more after he blocked me everywhere. I guess everyone will be angry if they were me. Well, his new gf want me out, so he did cut me out. I think it was for the best for me too. I was too childish that whenever he posts happy things on his facebook, I get angry. People say if ur loved one is happy, you'll be happy too. I guess I don't love him that much :D It hurt my ego and pride more that he got a new gf before me. It was too heartbreaking. I was always called the cuter one in the relationship and he got laid before me? I simply couldn't let that happen.

It's perfectly normal to feel super insecured after a breakup. 

Luckily, for me, I saw his new gf for the first time and I actually got more confident and happier. LOL. why? I don't wanna sound like a superficial bimbo but damn she fat! and ugly! I guess I'm pure evil. Well, I'm thankful for her too. For being so below average that her being my ex's gf actually makes me happier. HAHHAHAA judge me I don't care!

Give time for proper grieving but have a limit.

For the first few days, I felt like I've lost everything. So, I told myself. I'm gonna be sad for a week but after that I'll be stronger. Surprisingly, I cried every night for a week for no reason and exactly after a week, I just stopped and got happier. It was during my dance competition. So, I was insanely busy for that. After a week of acting like a complete idiot, I had no time to even think about it anymore. I was simply too tired and came to a realization that it wasn't worth it.

Go out and have fun.

I was partying almost every week. My clubbing buddies were there for me everytime I wanna hit a club. It's not only because of the break up. I've always loved partying. Just because I was in a serious relationship, I felt a bit guilty. but no, I've never made out with anyone or went home with any guys before. Just partying itself made me felt guilty. After the break up, I was a free cat :D
Some of my friends were there for me too. I honestly did expect some people to be there but they're too busy with their lives. Even if they're not there, so what? I went out with everyone and anyone. I asked people around to have lunch/dinner with me or study with me. I was never lonely once I stepped out of my house. I made a lot of new friends and I really clicked with some of them. I'm thankful for that too. and of course, the people who were really there for me esp: my "mommy" from my class. She took me out shopping, to the beach, bought me cupcakes, potatos, ice-cream, slippers LOL everything. I'm so grateful!

Exercise or do some physical activity.

For me, it was dancing. Because of my health conditions, I can't run or do any cardio but I'm able to dance. I'm not a very good one but better than average people, IMO :D I spent most of my days dancing and thinking and worrying about the choreo. It took my mind off a lot of things that I didn't want to think about.

Everyone has a way of dealing with those kinda stuffs. They're very personal and intimate issues but writing them out makes me feel good! So that's what I'm doing right now. The only concern I had was I was scared to be irritating to many people because I was always asking them to meet me and yeah, til now, I do get lonely.... but u know what, life goes on. I always find stuffs to do like blogging craps, watching shows and studying and talking to my best friend. AND the ultimate stress-reliever and the untwister of the loneliness to happiness__ listening to other people's problems. It always makes me feel better esp: when that person is someone I hate. I know I'm no saint. As for my ex, to hell with him! I really hope his gf will get fatter fatter fatter and uglier and he, too, be fatter, uglier and never succeed in life!  He'd probably wishing that for me too, given the fact that he blocked me everywhere.
Well, life is now a lot better when I don't have someone holding me back when I'm having fun, flirting, having a crush on some hot guys with six packs and tattoos and stuffs. I even got rid of the duplicate of his house keys and all the plans and drugs to revenge him/ I actually planned something which was pure genius but got rid of everything because I didn't wanna live in this shadow anymore. Instead, I thanked him for leaving me. He showed me that I deserved more. Now I'm more confident, all thanks to him and his new gf. Thank you Thank you. I thank all my friends who were there for me. I promise I'll return the favor by 10 times and lastly, I thank myself for being so strong. I was able to take in all the stress and depression from dance competition, presentation, final exams and that breakup at the same time. Thank you Thank you.


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